
AngularJS Developer Job Description Template

AngularJS开发人员是熟练的JavaScript开发人员,他们也熟悉软件工程的一些理论概念. Unlike some other JavaScript frameworks, AngularJS requires the developer to do things the “Angular” way, 哪一套规则和实践允许开发人员充分利用框架并构建健壮高效的web应用程序. This makes it necessary for developers to actually know AngularJS inside-out, and not just be a great JavaScript programmer.


AngularJS开发人员是熟练的JavaScript开发人员,他们也熟悉软件工程的一些理论概念. Unlike some other JavaScript frameworks, AngularJS requires the developer to do things the “Angular” way, 哪一套规则和实践允许开发人员充分利用框架并构建健壮高效的web应用程序. This makes it necessary for developers to actually know AngularJS inside-out, and not just be a great JavaScript programmer.

A great JavaScript developer is good for an AngularJS based project. However, 什么是伟大的JavaScript开发人员谁是精通的最佳实践,是构建AngularJS web应用程序的关键. When you are looking for an expert AngularJS developer, 发布一个通用的JavaScript开发人员的招聘广告会带来大量的应聘者申请,他们可能擅长JavaScript编程, but barely have any knowledge of AngularJS.

本文将为您提供一个示例AngularJS开发人员职位描述,它将帮助您编写完美的招聘广告, 确保你找到并雇用了符合你特定标准的人.

AngularJS Developer - Job Description and Ad Template

Copy this template, and modify it as your own:

Company Introduction

{{Write a short and catchy paragraph about your company. 一定要提供有关公司文化、津贴和福利的信息. Mention office hours, remote working possibilities, and everything else you think of that makes your company interesting.}}

Job Description

我们正在寻找一名AngularJS开发人员,负责我们服务的客户端. 你的主要重点将是实现一个完整的用户界面的形式,移动和桌面web应用程序, with a focus on performance. 你的主要职责将包括创建模块和组件,并将它们耦合到一个功能应用程序中. The artistic design will be delivered to you, together with a few HTML templates, but we will ask for your help in regard to animations, CSS, and final HTML output. You will work in a team with the back-end developer, and communicate with the API using standard methods. 需要对我们的平台和基础设施的所有组件有透彻的了解.


  • Delivering a complete front end application
  • Ensuring high performance on mobile and desktop
  • Writing tested, idiomatic, and documented JavaScript, HTML and CSS
  • 协调图形设计师、HTML编码器和你自己之间的工作流程
  • 配合后端开发人员构建RESTful API
  • Communicating with external web services
  • {{Add other responsibilities here that are relevant}}

Skills and Qualifications

  • Proficiency with JavaScript and HTML5
  • Professional, precise communication skills
  • 基于丰富的工作经验,对AngularJS实践和常用模块有深入的了解
  • Creating self-contained, reusable, and testable modules and components
  • 确保一个清晰的依赖链,包括应用程序逻辑和文件系统
  • Ability to provide SEO solutions for single page apps
  • 丰富的CSS和JS方法知识,以提供高性能的视觉效果,并始终保持帧率在30fps以上
  • Thorough understanding of the responsibilities of the platform, database, API, caching layer, proxies, and other web services used in the system
  • Validating user actions on the client side and providing responsive feedback
  • 编写非阻塞代码,并在需要时使用多线程等高级技术
  • Creating custom, 一般使用模块和组件来扩展AngularJS核心的元素和模块
  • Experience with all levels of operation available to the front-end, 例如,从在普通JS中创建xhr到在$resource周围使用自定义包装器
  • 有构建服务于前端应用和资产的基础设施的经验
  • 使用任务运行器或脚本为产品构建和自动化构建过程
  • Documenting the code inline using JSDoc or other conventions
  • Writing extensive unit tests using automated TDD tasks
  • Creating e2e test suites for all components, and running them with Protractor (or a well reasoned alternative)
  • 为持续集成环境创建配置、构建和测试脚本
  • {{Make sure to mention other frameworks, libraries, or any other technology related to your development stack}}
  • {{List education level or certification you require}}
See also:Toptal’s growing, community-driven list of essential AngularJS interview questions

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Jelena Drobnjakovic

Freelance AngularJS Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since December 7, 2015

Jelena has been actively working as a front-end developer for about eight years. 她的工作包括日常使用HTML、CSS、JavaScript、Angular/Vue、jQuery、Laravel和Git. 她喜欢创建漂亮的网页,这些网页经过优化,可以在所有设备上顺利运行. Besides programming, she has also overseen the organization of work for some projects, which she loves doing. Communication between colleagues is key to building good applications.

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Muhammed Mutahr

Freelance AngularJS Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since June 9, 2018

Muhammad是一名高级软件工程师,在公共教育部门(WSU), privately owned healthcare companies (Meridian), and public Fortune 500 companies in the automotive industry (GM & AAM). Throughout his career, he’s designed web apps in HTML/CSS, developed client-side apps using JavaScript frameworks (Angular/Ionic), and used Java and C# to develop robust server-side apps.

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Thien Nguyen

Freelance AngularJS Developer
GermanyToptal Member Since October 6, 2020

Thien是一名专注于JavaScript和前端技术的专业软件工程师. Thien has more than 15 years of experience developing web applications, websites, and games using various technologies and frameworks including Angular, Angular Material, React (and other frameworks), Express, TypeScript, among others. Due to his in-depth experience covering various processes, project types, and platforms, you can trust Thien to deliver.

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Noelia Lopez

Freelance AngularJS Developer
CanadaToptal Member Since December 25, 2016

Noelia is a passionate software engineer with 8+ years of experience. 让她与众不同的是她掌握新技术的能力和快速解决问题的能力. She thrives on new challenges and enjoys pushing herself to learn and grow. 她热衷于指导初级开发人员并帮助他们释放全部潜力. She loves proposing new ideas, wearing many hats, and collaborating closely with different areas to achieve success.

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Robin Cijvat

Freelance AngularJS Developer
NetherlandsToptal Member Since May 15, 2017

Robin是一个有干劲和热情的全栈软件开发人员,具有很强的解决问题的能力. He has ample experience with translating customer and business demands into, robust, scalable and visually outstanding software applications. Robin对大量数据(前端)应用程序和复杂数据可视化的开发特别感兴趣. Some of his favorite technologies include Angular, D3.js, Spring Boot, and Reactor.

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Prita Hasjim

Freelance AngularJS Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since August 3, 2018

Prita是一名追求像素完美的开发人员,他从十六进制颜色值中获得了快感. 她不害怕挑战现状,并问自己:“如何才能改善现状??“她热衷于通过以用户为中心的设计来构建美丽的应用程序.

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Freelance AngularJS Developer
PolandToptal Member Since February 18, 2015

Damian is an enthusiastic ASP.. NET和PHP开发人员,有超过十年的专业开发经验, mainly for the banking, transportation and insurance industries. His freelance work includes various technologies, 包括MS SQL数据库和使用JavaScript框架(如Angular)的前端层, React, or Vue.js.

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Vladimir Manevski

Freelance AngularJS Developer
MacedoniaToptal Member Since May 13, 2020

Vladimir是一名经验丰富的全栈web开发人员,自2013年以来一直从事前端技术工作. 他在包括金融在内的多个行业开发过网络和移动应用程序, marketing, social research, and so on. Vladmir’s primary speciality is with JavaScript, AngularJS, Angular, and Ionic, 但他也很擅长处理后端开发(主要是使用PHP Laravel), Node.js, and MongoDB).

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Diego Fortes

Freelance AngularJS Developer
ArgentinaToptal Member Since January 4, 2016

Diego是一名信息系统工程师,拥有超过十年的开发和设计网站和web应用程序的经验. He is incredibly passionate about front-end technologies like JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, React, and related web frameworks. Diego also has excellent communication skills and worked on many global teams.

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Tina Holly

Freelance AngularJS Developer
CanadaToptal Member Since March 9, 2016

Tina是一位经验丰富的全栈工程师,专门从事移动优先响应式web开发和客户端JavaScript应用程序(使用React), Redux, Angular, Vue, and Ember—and their APIs—Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Kotlin, and Java—backed by SQL and no-SQL databases. Tina also excels at developing native mobile apps for iOS and Android, including KMM, and has expertise in React Native and Cordova.

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Marcos Henrique da Silva

Freelance AngularJS Developer
ItalyToptal Member Since February 25, 2017

Marcos is passionate about full-stack development, REST architecture and Agile methodology, and JavaScript as his primary programming language. Marcos has been working with IT since 2003, and for the past few years, 他几乎一直专注于软件工程,专注于网络应用. Marcos擅长JavaScript,使用AngularJS、Angular、React和Node等SPA框架.js for back-end development. Marcos has also worked with native Android apps and PHP.

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